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4 October 2023 07:30-09:30SEB City Branch Office

What to expect from the session

SEB is a committed partner to Women In Tech Sweden and our belief is that the architect role is a great career path for many women. This session aims to inspire more women to choose architecture as a career path, hopefully at a bank with a green logotype.

Kazjal, Helena and Monika all three work as architects within IT at SEB and during this session they will let you in on their respective thoughts and share highlights and challenges from their daily work – together with Mats, Chief Architect at SEB.

Breakfast is on us - welcome!

Waiting list

What you need to know

The event takes place in person at our office at Mäster Samuelsgatan 32 in Stockholm, on October 4th. 

Take the commuter train or subway to T-Centralen or Östermalmstorg. From both stations it is a ten minute walk to SEB City Branch Office at Mäster Samuelsgatan 32. 

Check-in and breakfast between 7.30 to 8.00. The event ends at 9.30.

To participate, registration is mandatory. 


Mats Svensson
Chief Architect, SEB

Mats has 30+ years IT experience in technical and architecture leadership roles in telecom, pharmaceutical, consulting and banking and is currently Chief Architect at SEB. He is passionate about exploiting technology based opportunities and wish he had better understood the importance of people and communication earlier in his career.

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Monica Stenson
Solution Architect, Front domain

Solution Architect in Front domain with 24 years of IT experience within banking, as developer, systems designer and architect. Is a certified IT architect with hands on experience. Works with securing SEB customer channels and APIs in a hybrid cloud architecture. Security in Front domain includes solutions and patterns for identification, authorization, signing and end-to-end security.

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Helena Ståhlbom
Deputy Domain Architect Accounts & Payments

Domain Architect in Account&Payments with 34 years of IT experience, mainly within banking, as developer, designer and architect. Have had the pleasure being part of the journey developing the banking area from a physical office to a 24/7 always-on and relevant to the customer.

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Kazjal Jaff
Deputy Domain Architect

Deputy Domain Architect for Saving & Investment at SEB. She has over 18 years experiences within bank and bank systems and IT. Is  a Certified IT Architect and have over 9 years as developer and over 9 years as architect.

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